Rent Review​s
Industry Insight
Industry Insight
Our interaction and longstanding involvement in the licensed and leisure property sector has presented us with detailed understanding of the inner workings, the tricks, and the strategies used against many lessees and tenants. We have put together a resource bank, bringing our knowledge to light, in an effort to inform the operators of our industry what actually goes on.
Our interaction and longstanding involvement in the licensed and leisure property sector has presented us with detailed understanding of the inner workings, the tricks, and the strategies used against many lessees and tenants. We have put together a resource bank, bringing our knowledge to light, in an effort to inform the operators of our industry what actually goes on.
Arbitration, PIRRS &
Independent Assessment
Any form of Arbitration or Litigation can sometimes be an expensive business if the full process and lengthy dispute takes its course. Morgan & Clarke adhere to RICS Guidance Notes 67/2010 published in December 2010 and RICS Valuation Professional Standards 2014, plus the ethical code of established Expert Witness protocols. Further refinement was issued by the RICS-Global Standards 2017 containing VPGA 4-Valuation of individual trade-related properties. These regulations form the background of our advice and involvement.
Specialist and accurate initial advice can, however, result in an acceptable agreement ‘out of court' to satisfy both parties, by way of negotiation or even mediation. We take great care in advising over the commerciality and cost of the sometimes lengthy litigation and arbitration procedures. If a satisfactory deal can be struck without having to fund the full action, then we will find a way if possible.
We support the cost-effective initiative of the BII in the option of PIRRS which is considerably more reasonable than formal arbitration being on a fixed fee basis, for fees being paid to the appointed Independent expert.
Aside from our detailed involvement in all matters concerning Landlord and Tenant legislation, we also have close liaison with selected specialist legal practices (not retained by Pubcos) in many different localities nationwide. We also have direct professional access to selected licensed property barristers in Chambers in London, Birmingham and Bristol.
For more insight, read a selection of our article posts below;​​